by taiken

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University of Dub UK

130211-universityofdub University of Dub’s monthly sessions are held at the Scala in King’s Cross, which is situated in the heart of London. The monthly sessions feature three heavy weight sound-systems playing roots reggae music and special dub plates.

Iyah Ranx from Justice Rivah Soundsystem & Taiken from the Tengu Soundsystem travell to di Uk for some rootical bass madness & uplifting vibez! Of course, we can’t skip some hours in Londons finest vinyl crates! Looking fwd!

University Of Dub Website
by taiken

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Lo-Fi-Dub Experience

130207-comfort-noise Some lovely lo-fi dub action by D_U_BIOS and NEW.COM. Download & lisen the full show on the Comfortnoise Soundcloud channel.

comfortnoise podcast 037-0213
Comfortnoise Website
by taiken

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Short doc introducing the Butterz label. Elijah & Skilliam, Royal-T and Terror Danjah on releasing tracks on vinyl, remixes, dubplates, open-source-grime and raving culture.
by taiken

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Taiken @ Steppas Choice

vinyl-radio Tonight! Tonight! Log in & log on: C4TR & Taiken serving the mountain dread bass out the east! Dub & Dubstep – straight vinyl, the way it should be. Be patient for some dubplate actions.

20-22 Uhr
C4TR & Taiken
Steppas Choice
Sustained Dubstep Cultivation

Radio Station
Steppas Choice Show
Dj Taiken