by taiken

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Taiken Dubs @ Fat Kid On Fire

150420-fkof-mix Big up Korrupt from the Fat Kid on Fire Crew for supporting swiss underground bass music.

There are two swiss-made tunes to spot in this set; Phrex’s „War Continues“, which is fortcoming on the uprising, geneva-based label Cosmic Micro Rave, and Taiken’s „Hokkaido“ which most of you maybe already noticed as a Tengu Dubplate on heavy rotation.

If you don’t know Fat Kid on Fire by now – check them out! fatkidonfire.com

Download & full Tracklist of the mix
by taiken

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fraction #7 – 25.04.15. at Rümpeltum St. Gallen

150412_fraction7 Fraction geht in die nächste Runde, bereits Nummer 7 steht an, und wir freuen uns einmal mehr im Rümpeltum sein zu dürfen. Selbstverständlich darf das Tengu Soundsystem nicht fehlen, ebenso wenig wie gute Freunde: Phunksta von der JustBuzzBass Crew sowie Doppia Erre werden Flexible & Taiken hinter dem Pult, respektive am Mic, unterstützen. Der Sound wird vielseitig sein an diesem Abend, von Roots & Dub über ein wenig Rap hin zu Bass Sounds. Alles für einen kleinen Unkostenbeitrag. Wir freuen uns viele junge, alte, schöne, markante, muntere, energiegeladene Gesichter zu sehen!
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Fraction goes into the next round, already nummer 7 is coming up, and we are happy to be at the Rümpeltum once again. As a matter of course, the Tengu Soundsystem has to be present, as well as good friends: Phunksta from the JustBuzzBass Crew and Doppia Erre will support Flexible and Taiken behind the Decks, respectively on the mic. The sound will be versatile this evening, from Roots & Dub to some Rap till Bass Souns. All for a little contribution. We are looking fwd to see many young, old, beautiful, distinctive, happy, energetic faces!
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Posterdesign & Silkscreenprint by Max Frischknecht

by taiken

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Deep Dark @ Frison

150403_deepDark We played last Saturday at the Fri-Son with Septentrio, Askemwhy?, Submajesty & Djiman. The full Tengu Crew, including our new Member C4TR, plus the full soundsystem and a brand new heavy sub amp made this trip a real pleasure! Like always the food & hospitality at the Fri-Son was excellent (fresh homemade pasta!), the crowd lovely & just everything about perfect. If every dance would be like this, soundsystem bizznezz would be a walk in the park!

And it was sooo dark! Check out the video ;)

Don’t miss our next, local, dance! 25th of april at the Rümpeltum. Tengu Soundsystem ft. Taiken, Flexible, Doppia Erre & Phunksta!